About Antonius

Assistant Arts Professor @ NYU Shanghai IMA | Adjunct Professor at NYU Tisch ITP | Visiting Lecturer at NYU Berlin. http://antoni.us

Assignments: Classes 13-15

Class 13

  1. Read Telling Your Website’s Story with Sketchboarding
  2. Read Scott McCloud’s The Right Number
  3. Create a sketchboard or a storyboard of your project, from the user’s point of view. Imagine all the possibilities that they will experience. Document on the blog.

Class 14

  1. Begin on your final projects. If appropriate, try to incorporate object oriented programming into them.

Class 15

  1. Continue working on your Final Project. Documentation is due by Friday, July 1.
  2. Final project presentations begin at 11:30 am. Open to the public.

Assignments: Classes 10-12

Class 10

  1. Read: Serial Communication: The Basics
  2. Read: Interpreting Serial Data
  3. Working individually use Processing to create a sketch that controls an LED or a Servo motor with the mouse or keyboard.

Class 11

  1. Read: Processing Reference: Video library

  2. Work with images and/or video in Processing and document it.

Class 9

  1. Connect Processing and Arduino together to create a video or image filter controller using an Arduino. For example, change the tint of an image with a potentiometer. Or play a movie only when a button is being pressed. Document it on the blog by Friday night.

Assignments: Classes 7 – 9

Class 7

  1. Read: Amnon P5’s Lifesaving Tips for Processing
  2. Watch: Microsoft Design: Connecting
  3. Working individually use Processing to create a sketch that takes advantage of mouse and keyboard interaction.
  4. Try to incorporate Conditionals, Iteration and Functions to your mouse/keyboard interaction.
  5. Sign up for a Presentation Date

Class 8

  1. Read: Arduino Reference: Servo library

  2. Read: Make: Arduino’s Servo Library: Angles, Microseconds, and “Optional” Parameters

  3. Select a sensor that is not included in your kit (provided in class). Connect it to your Arduino to read its values.

Class 9

  1. Read Using Arduino, Firmata and Processing Together
  2. Add to our collaborative spotify playlist
  3. Work on your midterm and document on the blog (due Friday night).

Midterm Project:
The midterm project will be an individual project of your own choosing. It should utilize and demonstrate the skills you have gained in the first portion of the class.

Assignments: Classes 4-6

Class 4:

  1. Read Getting Started and  Processing Overview from Processing.org tutorials.
  2. Read Disney’s Vision of Life: The 12 Principles of Animation
  3. Read Disney’s 12 Principles of Animation (Pay Attention, App Designers)
  4. Download Processing
  5. Sketch a simple drawing in Processing.
  6. Animate your simple drawing. Document on the documentation blog.

Class 5:

  1. Read Coordinate System and Shapes and Color from Processing.org tutorials.

Class 6:

  1. Read What is Code by Paul Ford